We are pleased to announce that Elder Nathan Charles Pennington has finished his 2 year full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has returned honorably and safely from the California Riverside Mission.
Here are pictures from his last days there and his arrival home. ENJOY!!!
(Always great to end with a baptismal service)
Brother Gomez's baptismal service. Elder Pennington taught him in the La Piedra Ward. |
Bro. Gomez's Baptismal Service |
Elder Pennington - a banana for Halloween |
Last Halloween of the mission - Pennington & Mounts |
Halloween fun! |
Saying Good-Bye to Fellow Missionaries
Sisters Buitrago and Troncoso |
Sisters Carson and Goodwine |
Elders Svenson & Hansen |
Sisters Harris and Davies |
Sisters Hernandez and Padilla |
Elders Holloway and Thacker |
MJ showed up for a final meeting to say good-bye |
I couldn't have survived the last 2 years with out MJ |
Elders Phister and Holyoak |
Elders Hite and Tippetts |
Twinnin' with this sister missionary from Colombia - Sister Buitrago |
Saying Good-Bye to Families
The Barney Family |
The Carlos Family |
The Crouch Family |
The Lomavita Family |
The Gabaun Family |
I'm going to miss this filipino - Rey |
Rey, Elder Mounts, Elder Rose, Elder Pennington |
Kevin |
The Villareal Family |
First Stop - The Temple & Mission Home
Last trip to the Redlands Temple with all outgoing missionaries and Pres. & Sis. Hammons |
Pres. Hammons Facebook post about their trip to the temple. |
Pres. Hammons post on Facebook about those leaving on 11/7/17 |
FB post continues about their last meals in the mission. |
Waving good-bye to Pres. and Sister Hammons and the California Riverside Mission |
ONT to SLC to ATL to MEM
Elder Avei's parents surprise Elder Pennington with a lei anda pepperoni pizza in SLC airport |
And they also surprise Elder Pennington's mom with a text! |
I'm coming home... after a couple more layovers. Lol |
Flew to SLC with Elder Langley, but here they part ways. |
The Welcoming Party in MEM at 9:40pm on 11/7/17 |
Mom gets the first hug, then Dad. What a great feeling! |
The Andersen's - where's Bill?! |
Da boys are together again - Chad, Jack, Nathan, Drew, and Chris |
The Denton's were there too! |
Married man Josh Kennedy in da house! |
Maw maw flew in from Hurricane, UT to see her grandson return with honor. |
A friend and boys from church - J. Po, Kendall, Daniel,
Nathan, Gustavo, Chandler, and Wesley |
Ms. Lisa wouldn't miss this for anything! |
The Posey's were a great support to Nathan throughout his entire mission and were there to welcome him home too! |
Uncle Howard and Aunt Pam welcomed him home with open arms and a few tears. |
Sam and Jake are glad their big brother is home. |
Lotsa Cool Signs
Cool sign momma |
Klepko's and Andersen's did a great job on the yard |
They made a tie in the yard out of lights. |
Great job Boston's - this was made by Luke |
Another sign by the Boston's |
Another Boston sign |
And yet another sign... |
Get released, Speak @ Church then Open House
Nana can't wait to see him be officially released |
Kenzie showed up after cheer practice. Since he was released, he can officially hug girls again and not get in trouble. |
Maw maw is there every step of the way. |
Nathan spoke on the Doctrine of Christ at church. Finally, a picture with Weston. |
Looks like a shirt, right?! It's actually a cake. Thank you Sis. Maggie Montero. |
Ready for the folks coming to the Open House. |
Get ready to eat - Papa's in the kitchen |
Decorations abound |
He's home! |
And they lived happily ever after...